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Although you can simply browse the whole Catalogue alphabetically, it is possible to save time by limiting the Catalogue to Hostas of a particular size or with particular characteristics.
- If you are only looking for Hostas of a particular height, e.g. ‘Miniature Hostas’, or you want to return to a particular part of the Catalogue, e.g. M-R, S-Z, click the ‘Select Hosta Category’ Box (down arrow) below and select the Category you need.
- For a Catalogue of hostas with particular characteristics, e.g. leaf colour, shape, or texture, slug resistance or sun tolerance, click the appropriate box (down arrow) below and select the characteristic you need.
- The ‘Select Other Characteristics’ box gives a Catalogue of top hostas (Minis, Non-Minis), and ‘Mouse’ Hostas.
- You can use the ‘Hosta Search’ box not just to search for a particular hosta. You can also use it to search for any words in our hosta descriptions not included in one of the other boxes. e.g. “white centre”. “£5.00”.
Ordering from the Catalogue
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All Hostas

Medium Hosta. Ht. about 18”. Upright, slightly twisted leaves with a dark green margin and misty chartreuse centre lightening to white, depending on sun and temperature. Lavender flowers. RHS AGM. Sun tolerant. Kulpa 1989. £8.00.

Large Hosta. Ht. about 24”. Dark green leaves with a narrow white centre. Pale lavender flowers. An attractive sport of H. ‘Striptease’. Whitmore 2002. £10.00.

Medium Hosta. Ht. about 14”. White leaves with a narrow green margin. Lavender flowers. Needs careful placing in good light but little sun. Krossa/ Palmer. 1999. £8.00.

Small Hosta. Ht. about 10”. Very thick, dark green leaves with a white centre. Lavender flowers. Sport of H. ‘Orange Star’. Slow growing. Van den Top. Not registered. £12.00.

Very small Hosta. Ht. about 9in. Long, narrow gold leaves (6in.x1.7in.) with a very wavy edge. Mid-purple flowers. Hansen, 2019. £12.00.

Very small Hosta. Ht. about 9in. Shiny dark green leaves (5in.x2in.) Purple-striped lavender flowers. Elslager 1998. £10.00

Very small Hosta. Ht. about 8”. Heart-shaped green leaves (3.5”x2.5”) with a creamy-white margin, Lavender flowers. D and J Ward 1996. £8.00.

Giant Hosta. Ht. about 35”. Shiny yellow-green leaves (16” x 12”), with a creamy-white margin. A really nice sport of H. ‘Sum and Substance’. Lavender flowers. Anderson 2002. £10.00.

Small Hosta. Ht. about 9”. Bright gold leaves in spring turn to chartreuse as the season progresses. Pale purple flowers. Japan/Krossa 1986. £6.00.

Medium Hosta. Ht. about 15”. Pointed blue-green leaves with a wide irregular cream margin. Lavender flowers. Makes a lovely even mound. Sun tolerant. RHS AGM. Wilkins 1995. £6.00.

Large Hosta. Ht. about 24”. Large, corrugated, blue-green leaves (13”x10”) with a gold margin. Leaves turn greener as the season progresses. Near-white flowers. Zilis, 2003. £9.00

Very small Hosta. Ht. about 9in. Dark green wavy leaves (4in.x2.5in.) with a creamy yellow margin. Attractive veining. Lavender flowers. H. Pilgrim sport. Hansen/Walters Gardens 2018. £10.00

Giant Hosta. Ht. about 30”. Blue-green leaves (15”x12”), with a chartreuse/creamy-yellow margin. Deep lavender flowers. Wonderful variegated sport of H. Empress Wu. Hans Hansen, 2020. £12.00.

Large Hosta. Ht. about 20”. Wavy blue-green leaves (10”x6”). Near white flowers. Brinka and Balitewicz 1999. £9.00.

Miniature/Very Small Hosta. Ht. about 8”. Narrow yellow leaves (4”x2”), with a wavy margin. Turns greenish-yellow later in the season. Pale lavender flowers. O’Harra 1991. £6.00.

Medium Hosta. Ht. about 12”. Leaf centre is dark green, separated from a gold margin by a white line. A ‘Spring’ hosta, at its best when in new growth. Pale lavender flowers. Jones 2005. £10.00.

Giant Hosta. Ht. about 36”. Deep green pointed leaves (16”x9”), have deep veins and an undulating, bright yellow margin. Pale lavender flowers. A classic Hosta. E. Smith/Ruh 1993. £10.00.

Medium Hosta. Ht. about 12in. Leaves emerge creamy white, soon developing green along the veins. The green gradually mists into the white, eventually turning the whole leaf green. Lavender flowers. Avent 2005. £14.00.

Large Hosta. Ht. about 20in. Leaves emerge white with a variable green edge, the centre developing streaking and flecking as the season progresses. Lavender flowers. A very unusual sport of H. Empress Wu. Vandekinderen, 2021 £20.00